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Beyond hypnotherapy supervision; A journey into the dark side with Dr. Iain Lightfoot

Dr. Iain Lightfoot will be presenting on the myths, taboos, secrets, and uncomfortable topics that therapists should be aware of. He challenges the idea of a therapist's purity and discusses topics such as therapists feeling sexual arousal or attraction to their clients, discomfort with talking about their own trauma, and taking on their client's energies.

As a coaching supervisor for 12 years and hypnotherapy supervisor for two years, Dr. Lightfoot believes that it takes courage, trust, and honesty to be the best therapist one can be.

Beyond hypnotherapy supervision; A journey into the dark side

You’ve probably heard about the importance of supervision and how it can be helpful to you both professionally and personally, how it can help you with those problem clients, how it can help you identify new skill sets to be explored and improved… All of those things are true… BUT I will be delivering a short presentation on the myths, taboos, secrets and uncomfortable topics that every therapist should be aware of. As therapists we often create a purity; an image of the idealised self, of the helping individual who is free from biases and that puts that client’s needs first to their detriment.

Have you thought that some therapists may develop feelings of sexual arousal during a session or that they may begin to fantasise about a client that they feel attracted to?

Or, how about the discomfort of talking about topics which they themselves may still feel traumatised about. The sudden frankness or sensitivities of situations and topics that clients may feel uneasy about?

Perhaps you feel a fraud, incompetence or that you feel so concerned with the client’s well-being that you take on their energies.

How do you begin and end a session? What if a client comes to hug you or kiss you with thanks or even what you get bored during a session or fall asleep or laugh in the wrong place?

My name is Dr Iain Lightfoot, I’ve been a coaching supervisor for 12 years and hypnotherapy supervisor for about two years. I’m delighted to be able to ‘lift the lid’ on some of those topics that are just never discussed, even in bona fides hypnotherapy supervision sessions. It takes courage, trust, and honesty to be the best hypnotherapist you can be and to do the best for your clients.

For more information about me or hypnotherapy supervision go to

Best Wishes,


28 June

Using AI with Kev Webster

27 July

The Client’s Inner Self with Andy Workman